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The CORS Group is driven by a passion
to make a difference


Those of us who work in the company each have our own specialisations we focus on, so you will find we have technical and theoretical expertise, practical experience and lots of energy.

On this page you can see the people who constitute the team and management of Copenhagen Risk & Safety Group, with whom you will primarily be in contact in relation to specific projects.

Depending on the nature and scope of a given project, we can also draw on a number of other talented employees. Overall, this ensures that you have a flexible, experienced and competitive team.

We are always happy to discuss your situation at no cost, with a clear focus on your thoughts and needs. Call us or write to us using one of the numbers or email addresses below.

Ivan T. Herrmann
+45 2275 6975

Ivan has a strong background in the risk management discipline, with a degree in civil engineering and a Ph.D. in applied quantitative analysis methods - focused on uncertainties and risks in decision-making - from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and UC Berkeley in the United States. As part of Ivan's work at the university, he has published more than ten scientific articles. Ivan is frequently used as a peer reviewer for various scientific journals, including journals ranking in the top 100 worldwide. Ivan has a Diploma of Education (University level) from DTU and has been teaching for several years at the university. For eight years Ivan served as a surf lifeguard in various organisations in Denmark, and has continually worked with these organisations to improve the quality of surf lifeguarding as a discipline. Ivan is a Visiting Associate Professor at the Emergency and Risk Management University College in Copenhagen where he is teaching quantitative methods.

Michael Pehrson
Sales and Marketing Director
+45 5019 0937

Michael has a broad background in sales and marketing within the B2B and B2C segments. Michael is educated as an insurance agent, and he has worked within the insurance and pensions industry, tailoring and selling products to both businesses and individuals. Michael is also experienced in the security industry, where he has been working as a chief consultant for one of the world's largest security groups. In addition, he has experience in the energy sector as a sales manager and regional manager in two of the leading energy companies in Denmark. Furthermore, Michael has had his own companies where he developed an in-depth understanding of running a start-up and day-to-day maintenance of established companies. In the past, Michael was also employed by the Danish Armed Forces, where he was deployed on international missions. In Copenhagen Risk & Safety Group ApS, Michael is responsible for sales and marketing of the company's products.

Anders Kilen

Anders has been employed by the Danish Forces since 1995, both in the Army and Navy, and has been on several international missions. Anders is now employed by the Defence Health Service, Center for Military physical training where he works with physical performance optimisation of Danish soldiers. In parallel, he is writing a Ph.D. in collaboration with the Department of Sport and nutrition at the University of Copenhagen. Through his service in the Danish Forces, Anders has been responsible for development of training materials and instructions for use in critical situations.

Christian R. Andersen

Christian has a background in the Danish Army, where he focused on tactical first aid and was deployed on an international mission. He completed his Bachelor's degree in Disaster and Risk Management, and has worked with a number of security companies in Denmark, participating in VIP protection and anti-terror solutions.

We collaborate, among others, with:


Copenhagen Risk & Safety Group has a strong collaboration with André Ohlsén, partner at Ensure – International Insurance Broker. Ensure is one of the largest Danish-owned insurance brokerage firms in the country, providing impartial advice, risk hedging and insurance program management for medium-sized and large companies in Denmark.

Scheduling a meeting with Ensure is an excellent way to gain greater clarity into how existing insurance conditions interact with the initiatives that Copenhagen Risk & Safety Group presents. This will raise the company’s risk management to a higher level, and form an overview that is unique to the management and board. Contact André Ohlsén through CORS Group, or directly at: +45 81 72 02 13.

Kønig Advokater

In addition, Copenhagen Risk & Safety Group is working together with Kønig Advokater regarding legal aspects of organisations’ risk management. If your organisation has implemented one or more risk regulation projects in cooperation with Copenhagen Risk & Safety Group, you can typically receive a legal clarification of them at an attractive price. Your contact at Kønig Advokater is Matti Taul Korpela, who can be contacted directly at: +45 20 22 96 30.


We work with Cardiocare, which offers instructors professional and certified instructors for first aid training.



Copenhagen Risk & Safety Group strives to minimise human injuries and damage to property. In the long run, our goal is to make safety a parameter for competition among organisations that want to improve their safety.


Copenhagen Risk & Safety Group strives to help companies and organisations minimise their risks and train personnel to be ready to take action in critical situations.

Copenhagen Risk & Safety Group’s terms and conditions – pdf