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How Action-Cards® Create Value for You and Your Organisation:


In critical situations people can rarely remember specific details about what actions they should take. Action-cards® addresses this challenge by providing easy and clear access to the actions your organisation expects you to follow. This can help save lives and reduce damage.


With Action-cards® the number of decisions you need to consider in a critical situation have been significantly reduced.


The doubt which often can arise in a critical situation about what the right action is, is eliminated or drastically minimised when using Action-cards®.


With Action-cards®, you and your organisation know that it is you and your organisation know that it is the right actions, that are taken in the critical situation.


With Action-Cards®, you and your organisation will time and resources, as your team will achieve the same level of security and preparedness that you get with Action-cards® without extensive training requirements.


If a person is to be hospitalized, it is important for medical teams to be given precise information about: what has happened, when it has happened, and what already has been done. Action-cards® are designed to meet this need.


Action-cards® provide the evidence that your organisation has taken the right actions at the right time in the critical incident. In a subsequent case processing of liability placement and compensation, Action-cards® is a unique instrument to prove that your organisation has taken the right Actions at the right time.


The most important thing about using Action-cards® is that they can help save lives.

You can read more about Action-cards® at

“Action-cards® – first response at your fingertips.”